Oregon Agricultural Trust

Cheers to the Land

Ever heard of conservation beer? Cheers to the Land is an annual collaboration between Oregon’s great breweries, cideries, our beloved farmers, and Oregon Agricultural Trust (OAT). Breweries across the state brew new beers with Oregon-sourced ingredients in support of OAT’s work to permanently protect farm and ranch land from development.

Why is this important? 25% of Oregon’s land is in farms and ranches — an area larger than the state of West Virginia. Considering that 64% of that land is set to change hands in the next twenty years as farmers continue to age, and 81% of farmers and ranchers don’t have a succession plan in place, the land is vulnerable to development. OAT partners with land owners to facilitate working lands easements, helping the land stay in production forever.

Inspired by The Oregon I Am beer campaign that we developed for the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts, OAT reached out to Forest Green to build a similar campaign in 2022. The first year was a big success and in 2023 we worked with 17 breweries and cideries. We also launched a statewide earned media campaign that reached from Portland to rural communities across the state.

A selection of media results:

Travel Oregon | All About Beer | Baker City Herald | Columbia Gorge News | The Daily Astorian | Good Stuff NW

Willamette Week | The Statesmen Journal | GO! Eastern Oregon | KOIN-TV


Earth To Beer


Salmon-Safe Whiskey