Public Relations

  • Develop earned media campaigns that align with your marketing and communications goals

  • Research highly targeted writers, journalists, and influencers on a local, regional, and national level

  • Build and curate content for media kits that get your business the attention it deserves

Influencer Management

  • Propel your brand through coordinated VIP events, tours, and other invitations that strategically introduce social media influencers to your brand, new products, and special services

Communications Strategy and Management

  • Build annual communications calendars that corrals tactics including: social media, email newsletters, earned media campaigns, social contests, photography and video asset creation, blog and website updates, and more

  • We also help project manage the execution of the plan so that the work gets done and accountability is in place

Marketing Campaigns

  • Drive new business with fresh ideas. From organizing statewide collaborations between businesses and nonprofits to coordinating social media contests for awareness campaigns, we love getting creative

  • Develop go-to-market campaigns for product launches so that your team has plug and play templates that eliminate guesswork